
Friday, October 04, 2013

To what extremes will they go? 

Despite the agitprop press’s best attempts to aid their statist allies in blaming the Republicans and especially the “tiny faction of Tea Party extremists” for the partial government shutdown, the Democrats are exposing their own complicity by their actions.  And their actions speak much louder than their lying words.  The shutdown was too well orchestrated, too targeted, too orderly to have been a spontaneous reaction to Republicans carrying a point too far.  The administration planned to do it, not just respond to it.

Elderly American veterans of World War II, exercising what is probably their sole opportunity to visit the memorial erected by a grateful nation in their honor, were faced with barricades erected overnight before the first day of the government “shutdown.”  Uniformed Park Police prohibited them from entering the area.  Some Republican Congressmen accompanying veteran groups, whose members were their constituents, distracted the police and the veterans “stormed” the monument, completing their mission.

Thinking that perhaps some overzealous “mission essential” bureaucrat had misunderstood his/her marching orders, representatives asked President Obama for permission to continue to allow these old veterans to visit the memorial during the shutdown.  Permission was denied!  The RNC offered to pay the expenses of maintaining and policing the monument so that the veterans could visit.  Permission was still denied and the offer was refused.  Conveniently hiding behind a law prohibiting the National Park Service from accepting donations to run the parks and monuments, why, they were just helpless since they had to comply with the law (where was that sense of legal compliance when the administration refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act?  Deportation of illegals?)! 

In other words, Democrats were unable to put politics aside long enough to show some respect for those heroes who answered the call of their nation in a time of crisis.

Vice President Biden actually congratulated  the Park Police officer who denied the veterans access to their memorial.  “Good job,” he told her.  Translation:  Who the hell do these people think they are anyway?  Really, Mr. Vice President?  Is a display of callous indifference toward these heroes and their families a job well done?  Is that what’s meant by serving the people?

These visits by the last surviving veterans of World War II give them an opportunity to visit with each other, meet veterans who served in other theaters, and to remember the friends and comrades they lost in combat and to other causes.  They are dying in the thousands every day.  Their trips are often carefully planned months in advance and orchestrated by Honor Flight, who covers all the expenses from charitable contributions – not government funding.  For anybody who has participated in or seen the documentaries on Honor Flight, it’s demonstrably evident that these visits are very emotional and meaningful to these veterans. 

Maybe the Patriot Guard Rider motorcyclists need to escort these veterans past the Park Police so that they can finally see their memorial.

The pettiness and disrespect displayed by all the “caring” liberals who oppose permission and legislation to exempt these members of the Greatest Generation from being denied what may likely be their only opportunity to visit the memorial tells far more about these arrogant statists than any of their other disingenuous pronouncements.

When Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) was asked by reporter Dana Bash about making an exception and authorizing a vote for funding the National Institute of Health to provide cancer treatment clinical trials that might save the life of a little girl whose plight had been highlighted earlier, his answer was anything but compassionate.

BASH: “But if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn’t you do it?”

REID: “Why would we want to do that? I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force Base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own.”

The LIFE of one child is less important to Senator Reid than the INCONVENIENCE of some of his constituents.  How’s that for compassion? 

Be sure to remember that when liberals moan that we must pass more gun restrictions “if it saves the life of just one child.”  We now have an answer for them from one of their own:  “What?  And inconvenience millions of law-abiding gun owners?  Why would we want to do that, Senator Reid?”

The fact is that the National Park Service and other agencies were pre-prepared to spring into action with brand-new signs and “barrycades” at the stroke of midnight.  Anything that the administration could think of to inconvenience taxpayers or cause emotional pain to citizens and government employees was ready to be implemented on the moment of shut down. 

Claude Moore Colonial Farm is a living history, family-friendly site that, according to 1771.org, “authentically portrays the life of an 18th Century American family building a life on the nearer edges of civilized society.” It is also the only National Park in the country run by a non-profit organization. Yet, even this privately funded space, which has not received a penny from the Federal government since 1980, was not safe from Monday's shutdown.  The NPS was on it first thing Tuesday morning with orders, demands, and threats.  Why?

The State of Arizona offered to pay to keep the Grand Canyon open.  That’s not private donations “in violation of federal law,” yet their request was denied.  Why?

 The IRS kept collecting taxes, but furloughed 90% of its employees so that refunds would be delayed.  Why?  How many of those refunds do you suppose would have been going to other furloughed government employees who could really use them right now? 

Yet the inauguration of signing up for Obamacare went ahead, despite the fact that the flawed software wasn’t nearly ready and the “navigators” were too poorly trained to provide correct outcomes.  Why?

Bash pressed Reid on why he and his Democratic caucus wouldn’t sign off on the National Institutes of Health funding bill.

BASH:  “Given what you said, will you at least pass that, and if not, aren’t you playing the same political games that Republicans are?”

REID:  “What right do they have to pick and choose what part of government is going to be funded? It’s obvious what’s going on here. You talk about reckless and irresponsible. Wow! What this is all about is Obamacare. They are obsessed. I don’t know what other word I can use. I don’t know what other word I can use. They are obsessed with this Obamacare thing.”

Well, for one thing, picking and choosing what part of government is going to be funded is part of their job, Senator.  It’s listed in Article 1, Section 8:  “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States . . . .”

On the other hand, Article 2, Section 3 requires the president to:  “ . . . from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; . . . he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.  How does that translate into "if they don't act, I will!"?

With respect to the Senator’s imagined “obsession” by the House members “with this Obamacare thing,” methinks he doth protest too much.  It’s Reid and Obama who decided to hold fast against any changes to the “Obamacare thing” to the point of obsession.  They refused to discuss it at any time up to the passage of the Continuing Resolution by the House, and they‘re still refusing to discuss it.  That doesn’t sound much like “recommending for their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

Instead, they have drawn a red line (didn’t they learn anything about declaring red lines from their hollow threats against Syria?) that will scuttle any continued funding of government operations before they will agree to even talk about any proposed changes.  And they’re ready to sacrifice anybody who gets in their way:  elderly veterans, government employees, mothers with children, retirees, park visitors.

Their carefully orchestrated plan to shut down the government, inflict pain on its citizens, and blame it on their nemesis, the “rightwing extremist minority Tea Party faction” of the Republicans, is blowing up in their faces.

Unfortunately, the continued shutdown is having its effect on some faint-hearted Republicans who appear to be eager to bolt and acquiesce to Obama and Reid’s demands.  Either they’re blind or being bought.  They’d rather sell their mothers into whoredom than acknowledge anything positive about their conservative brethren.

However, despite the propaganda machine’s drumbeat that the Republicans are about to split asunder, it’s Obama and Reid who are panicking.  They and the agitprop press are already trying to confuse low-information voters by tying the CR and the shutdown to the debt ceiling increase in order to divert attention from the failure of Obamacare to live up to its promise of expanded coverage and lowered costs for those who need it.

It’s very much like what they did during the height of the immigration reform push, casually interchanging the terms “immigration” and “illegal immigration” to best distort any rational discussion (this comprehensive bill will control illegal immigration, but the Republicans want border control because they’re opposed to immigration) of the issue. 

It’s also the clearest sign yet that people are listening to what conservatives are saying about the flaws in Obamacare, and are starting to think for themselves rather than lap up the KoolAid propaganda of the agitprop press. 

They’re also starting to understand that this president, far from “taking care that the laws be faithfully executed,” acts like he has discretion to ignore laws or sections which don’t interest him or further his agenda – more like a dictator than a president. 

They’re beginning to understand that the IRS abuses, the NSA abuses, the executive privilege cover-ups, the crony capitalism, the non-stop campaign, the shrill name-calling and targeting of groups and individuals, the dissembling and lying on a massive scale, the bullying of innocent old men and anybody else who disagrees with their agenda form a disturbing pattern not associated with democracy, tolerance, and freedom of expression and choice.  

They may be finally recognizing that this regime, and the party that supports it, is about controlling the people, not working for the people.

And that realization scares the crap out of Senator Reid and President Obama.

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