
Saturday, September 04, 2004

Bill Clinton checked into a New York hospital Friday complaining of chest pains, and reporters are saying that he may have to undergo quadruple bypass surgery. My sympathy goes out to Mr Clinton for his health problems, and my heartfelt wish for his recovery.

I just want you to know, Mr Clinton: I feel your pain!

But, as with anything that Bill Clinton does, the timing of this health lapse is curious. Just as the first polls showing George Bush taking a double-digit lead over rival John Kerry at the end of the Republican Convention, Bill Clinton steps into the spotlight!

Some pundits are already claiming that it’s to Kerry’s advantage since his slip in the polls is being overshadowed by the Clinton health story. Others are claiming that it’s to Bush’s advantage, since Kerry is losing one of his most popular and effective campaigners.

They’re all off the mark.

They’ve forgotten the basic rule that “it’s all about Clinton.” Every action is a calculated political action. Bill and Hillary never do anything out of regard for anybody but themselves. The consequences of their actions on others are of no concern to them. The ends justify the means, and the ends are always the acquisition and accumulation of power for themselves.

So here it is.

It’s been widely speculated that Hillary didn’t want to run in 2004, since it would be difficult winning against an incumbent war-time president, and losing would make her “damaged goods”. She preferred to wait until 2008, and let some other wannabe become the sacrificial lamb. Of course, if the unthinkable happened and the wannabe somehow won, then it would be impossible to run against an imcumbent leader of her own party (unless it was Grey Davis), and she would have to wait until 2012.

But suddenly, the lamb doesn’t look so sacrificial anymore, and even worse, the media is pushing him to win! In fact, the spotlight has shifted so far from the Clintons that they weren’t invited to speak at the Democrat National Convention! Or were they, and they declined? After all, if the Kerry campaign implodes, they might look like part of the problem. But if Kerry wins, then Hillary can’t run in 2008.

So how can they remain highly visible, and sabotage Kerry at the same time without looking like they did it?

Stage a heart attack for Bill right on the heels of the Republican Convention, shifting the spotlight away from George Bush and before it can refocus on Kerry! Bill becomes “unavailable” for the rest of the campaign, and Hillary stays “busy” with Senate commitments and "caring" for Bill. And she’s back on track for 2008.

But wait, there’s more! After Kerry loses, John Edwards becomes unemployed. Bill can hire Edwards to head up a big-bucks high profile legal team to sue McDonald’s for a huge settlement for causing his heart problems. No doctor would dare testify otherwise. They know what Edwards does to doctors, and the Clinton attack team could easily shift from women to doctors. McDonald’s is already in the sights of several lawyers, and Clinton would be the poster-boy for their next deep-pocket raid.

The lip quivers, the eyes mist, and the voice chokes. “I was the most powerful man in the world, but they made me eat those hamburgers and fries.” Must be worth several hundred million.

Get well soon, Mr Clinton. But not too soon. After all, timing is everything.

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